Still moving

Girl on the move
Still Moving
After so long, so many years, I'm still moving. Through life and love, joy and sorrow
but thankfully I'm finally home. I'll always be moving...changing but the real me that will
never change, never move. I used to think if my family could just stay in a town for
more than a year or a few months then I wouldn't feel so out of place and unsettled. But
its not true even though my zip code is the same I am still changing, still moving. Yes,
I'm getting older and my style has changed a little but its still me in here. People used to
say they would love my life because of all the adventures but now my new adventure is
staying put. Getting to know people and letting them know me. That is my new adventure
and I plan to venture through it with a smile. Because while it is true that home is where
you hang your hat, I want more than just a place to hang my hat. I want some new
friends to help me make the place to hang my hat a real home. Yes I will have changes
in my life but I won't always have a new address every year. The only me that will still
be moving is the me inside.


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