My Side

With such a long story, where should I start?
at the beginning or when we started to drift apart
There just comes a point in time
where I'm  done paying for this crime
That's what it feels like, you're punishing me
but finally, I'm done, gone, I'm free
I don't deserve this type of treatment, not from you
not from anyone, especially after all we've been through
I'm exhausted, to keep trying would be like kicking a dead horse
being your best friend shouldn't be something I have to force
Tell me why I keep trying when you're not
to keep this friendship, tooth and nail, I've fought
But neglect, trust and abandonment issues is all you've brought
I'll miss you but I've  made a decision after much thought
So I'm done, I'm spent
to you, I'm not sure what I've meant
I doubt I've meant much considering you're never there
I've never intended to hurt you, this I swear
Though I'm finished hurting myself for one who doesn't care
not enough to answer, be there, or fight for this friendship's repair
Anytime you needed me to help or talk, I was there in a flash
this has been a long time coming, this decision wasn't rash
Whether I've called with news or while crying
for weeks it was quiet and I'm tired of trying
We're adults I, too, get busy but I'm there for my friends
the realization for you will hit when this ends
When the dust clears and you see that I'm done
I'm sorry for what you'll feel but I've found my one
My best friend, the one thats always there; the one I, now, run to
I never would have realized he was my real best friend without you
So now that it's all out
and in my heart, there's no doubt
I'll say goodbye
let go and cry
But I'm not coming back
emotionally I'm starting to pack
I'm looking at all of it, you aren't air
to survive, I don't need you to care
So I'll thank you for everything you have been there for
because now that I can let you go, give you up, I'll no longer be

Your Whore.

You know that feeling that your voice doesn't matter because no one knows your side so automatically you are the bad guy. This is something I needed to get out, for me. So to any of the people who read my blog and know me, probably know who this one is about. This poem isn't to hurt/ embarrass/ anger anyone. I wish, lets just call her my goodbye friend, her a happy life and love. I just needed my voice and my side to be told. This girl was very important to me, she was a friend and more; when you hit that threshold with someone, you're just done. I don't wish her any ill will, I hope she has a beautiful life. With this friend and her friends and family, never has anyone asked my side. This poem is just me telling my side, if anyone takes offense, I'm sorry.


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